All projects begin with two pieces of information: the use and the location.
Use: What are you going to do in this business?
Location: It is a good idea to have a location, or a couple of locations, in mind when you talk to the City. If you do not already own or lease the subject property, you should talk to the City before purchasing or leasing it. This is because zoning laws determine what can be done on a property, and we do not want you to be stuck with a location that won’t work for what you need.
Frequently asked question: OK, but…I didn’t know that, and I already bought the property or signed a long lease. Or, I already own the building and my preferred business isn’t permitted. What can we do about that?
Frequently given answer (unfortunately): Usually, nothing. Legally, we have to treat every property in the City the same way, so every business must follow the same rules. According to Michigan law, a use that is not permitted by the zoning ordinance is a nuisance and treated accordingly: ticketed, and eventually shut down. You do NOT want that to happen to your hard-earned business!
Write down your proposed use and the potential addresses. Some uses are well-understood, like a sit-down restaurant. But others may not be so common. Writing down the use helps to to clarify exactly what you are doing. Getting the use right is extremely important, because it determines the rest of the approval process. Once you have your use and potential location(s) in writing, it is time to contact the City for a Zoning Verification
You can use the City of Sturgis Geographic Information Systems do initial reconnaissance on your Zoning District. Click the button below to go to the site, and then type the address in the box on the upper left. When the map zooms to the parcel, make sure the box next to “Zoning” is checked on the Layer List, click the dropdown, and match the color of the parcel to the zoning district. The name will give you an idea of the types of uses allowed in that district: residential, commercial, or industrial.
We strongly recommend contacting the Community Development Department before leasing or purchasing commercial property.