
2020 Master Plan Information

Much of the City’s zoning decisions as well as capital improvements and other long-term planning items are driven by its Master Plan. One of the critical outcomes of the Master Plan is the development of Future Land Use Map and Zoning Plan that correlate land use planning decisions to real life zoning regulations.

Sturgis Interactive Master Plan Story Map Site

The full, interactive story of the City of Sturgis 2020 Master Plan including an explanation of the master plan, the history and input that informed this plan, and maps and recommendations from the plan can be explored on this website.

Please see the Township’s Future Land Use Map via the link below:

City of Sturgis Future Land Use Map

The City’s Master Plan includes goals and objectives for Residential Land Use, Circulation, Community Building, Economic Development, Environmental issues, and Communication, which are stated below:


Goal: To provide high-quality housing stock that is suitable to all ages, abilities, and income levels. Objectives:

  • Provide housing at different sizes, locations, and price points to accommodate currently underserved populations
  • Ensure that renter- and owner-occupied housing stock is in excellent condition
  • Encourage upper story living in the downtown


Goal #1: To provide high-quality housing stock that is suitable to all ages, abilities, and income levels. Objectives:

  • Improve the quality of road conditions
  • Incorporate cutting-edge infrastructure into road design

Goal #2: To build a nonmotorized network that is safe, accessible, and beautiful to be used for commuting, recreation, and errands. Objectives:

  • Provide a network that connects people to the places they need and want to access
  • Provide a safe network that is separated from vehicles where a parent would feel comfortable with their child using it alone
  • Provide a network that is not just convenient, but also enjoyable

Community Building

Goal: To provide space where the community can congregate and socialize. Objectives:

  • Provide space where the community can congregate and socialize
  • Expand recreational offerings to children

Economic Development

Goal # 1: The local economy is industry-diverse and offers jobs at varying skill and income levels. Objectives:

  • To maintain a strong industrial sector
  • To encourage “new economy” jobs to locate and prosper within the City
  • To help ensure that workers are receiving a decent wage

Goal # 2: The downtown will be a local and regional destination for retail and entertainment. Objectives:

  • A fun, attractive, and convenient place to visit
  • Offers retail and entertainment that attracts all age groups


Goal: Embrace “old” and “new” green policies that make Sturgis more environmentally resilient. Objectives:

  • Enact ordinances that improve the City’s the air and water quality
  • Increase the presence of infrastructure that mitigates the effects of intense weather events


Goal: The Embrace efficient forms of communication that enhance two-way exchange with the public. Objectives:

  • Use technology to consistently reach a wider citizen base
  • Proactively engage residents face-to-face

To see a full version of the 2020 Master Plan, please click this link.

Planning and Zoning

The Planning and Zoning Department works together to develop, interpret, and enforce the City’s zoning and other Ordinances. The Planning Department is responsible for administering City ordinances and directing growth and development of land in relation to local zoning ordinances. The Zoning Department has the duty of implementing the City’s zoning ordinances, reviewing land rezoning requests, and overseeing specific land use requests.

The Planning and Zoning Department is available to meet for a pre-application meeting prior to submitting any applications to provide feedback or offer alternatives when needed. Contact the Community Development Department to schedule an appointment. For specific information on zoning and site plan approval, please visit this page. Others links related to Planning in the City of Sturgis can be found below:

Other Planning Resources and Links

Right-of-Way, MISS Dig, City and Non-City Utilities Information

  • Right-of-Way Construction Permits
    For construction involving City Right-of-Way, a permit from the City Engineer’s Office is required. This include work on drive approaches (between the street and the property line), utilities, sidewalks and any other work in the street right-of-way. Contact the City Engineer at (269) 659-7249 for more information. Row Permit Application
    A State mandated “one-call” system for the location and staking of underground utilities prior to excavation or construction. You can contact MISS DIG by calling 811, 1-800-482-7171, or visiting them online at Please contact at least three working days in advance. The City receives an email with the appropriate information to complete our portion of the utility location.
  • City Utilities
    Information on utility connections and services for City of Sturgis Electric, Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater can be found on the Utilities Page.
  • Non-City Utilities
    The following links are provided for your convenience to set up some of the non-city utilities you may require: